
They can be found leading NGOs, engaged in policymaking or involved in the creation of tech companies. Many also are well know academicians abroad or hold top managerial position in multinational corporations. San Andrés is also known among Argentine private universities as having one of the highest percentages of students who receive financial aid. Through its scholarship program, Abanderados, San Andrés attracts top students from diverse backgrounds from throughout the Argentine provinces. The university also believes in the importance of international education. Each semester San Andrés participates in exchange programs, hosting foreign students from top institutions around the world and sending San Andrés students abroad. In addition, San Andrés welcomes international students who are looking for an academically challenging experience through its semester long Program in Latin American Studies or its Summer Spanish Immersion Program. San Andrés also works together with other universities to host short term customized programs in diverse areas such as Human Rights in Latin America or Business.